Saturday, September 22, 2018

IN the NEWS - Add Murder to the List too?

" in-depth investigation for the past few weeks on some nefarious goings on in the diocese of Buffalo, New York, including perhaps what appears to be a homicide aimed at covering up information about to be released by a whistleblower priest regarding the well-established clerical homosexual network in the diocese.

The diocese has a sordid history going back to at least the mid-1990s under the reign of Bp. Henry Mansell and even further — to a homosexual assault by a priest on 6-year-old Anthony Ravarini.

The priest who is accused of committing the foul deed — Fr. Dennis Riter — is still in circulation in the diocese, currently serving as pastor of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton in Dunkirk after having been reinstated just this past July following two new additional charges of sexual assault — these against two altar boys.

One of those witnesses was a Polish seminarian stationed at the parish, Wes Walawender.
Wes eventually went to a local priest, Fr. Joseph Moreno, who was Wes' spiritual director
and, together, the two composed a letter to the bishop, Edward Head, and Auxiliary B. Edward Grosz detailing the disgusting facts of what he had seen — along with Anthony’s father.

Wes never heard anything from either bishop about the letter he had submitted and was eventually railroaded out of the Buffalo seminary. Father Joe, as a result, became increasingly cognizant of a clerical homosexual network in the diocese and began keeping informal records at first which also detailed financial corruption — but nearly all of it connecting back to the homosexual clique.

Things reached a head in 2012 when, after years of documenting and detailing the homosexual clerical network in his diocese, Fr. Moreno was found dead in the rectory of his parish, St. Lawrence in Buffalo, on a Saturday afternoon — Oct. 13, 2012. Fr. Moreno was ready to blow the whistle and go public, both to the local media and Church officials, on everything he had learned over the years. He told his sister, Susan, that very thing on the Tuesday before he was discovered dead.
Fr. Moreno faxed a multi-page document to the local newspaper, The Buffalo News, on Friday night.
The document itself has not turned up, but the record of the electronic transmission has.

Father Moreno had made an appointment to travel to Washington, D.C. the following Wednesday, and according to associates, to the papal nunciature and meet with officials there and hand over a copy of his dossier exposing the homosexual network in Buffalo."
But the men of Sodom were wicked and sinners before the LORD exceedingly.
Genesis 13:13