Friday, September 28, 2018

Creation Moment 9/29/2018 - Daughters of Missing Parents = Creation by Fiat

Thou, Lord, in the beginning hast laid the foundation of the earth;...For he spake, and it was done;
Hebrews 1:10/Psalm 33:9 "Robert Gentry is acknowledged to be the foremost expert in the field of radio-halos.  By the use of the ion microprobe, he has been able to analyze the microscopic inclusions at the center of the concentric circles. This modern device...enables the identification of individual atoms, and also permits them to be counted in order to establish the relative abundance of each element present.  Gentry's investigation of the commonly found polonium 218 halos by microprobe analysis has shown that the inclusion at the center consists mostly of the final product, lead 206. The startling thing is that there are no elements above polonium in the inclusion; in other words, the daughter elements are present but no parents.When it is recalled that the half-life of the parent uranium 238 is said to be 4.5 billion years, then a little more than half the original quantity of uranium would be expected to be present. In fact, not one atom of uranium or thorium can be found, nor are there any traces of the characteristic halos for these elements.
 There is no doubt that the halo "signatures" are genuinely those of part of the uranium 238 decay series. Even if the velocity of light and the related speed of particle emission had been radically different in the past, this would not, it has been pointed out by Setterfield, affect the halo diameters. This is because the electron rest mass was lower in the past and the specific electron charge was higher; the differences thus cancel out and leave the penetration distance unchanged.  The simple evidence of the "daughter" elements without a trace of the "parent" leaves one little choice but to conclude that the decay process began with polonium 218. However, since the half-life of this element, even measured today, is only 3.05 minutes, it could not have begun in the liquid state.

 The reason for this is that all the alpha particles were emitted from the decaying polonium in the first hour or so and if emitted within a liquid medium, would leave no permanent record. This forces the conclusion that the polonium decay began in the solid state; we are faced here with evidence of the original Creation. If this is true, and no other rational explanation is yet forthcoming, then it means that all the basement rocks were supernaturally created in the solid form and never passed through the liquid to solid change by slow cooling. Gentry put the matter this way: "Is it conceivable that one of the oldest cosmological theories known to man [biblical Creation] is correct after all? Could the earth have been created by fiat?" (Gentry p.78)."