Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Cagliostro's Spiritualism Impact on French Revolution

"Says Samuel Smucker in his Memorable Scenes in French History, p. 116:
"We find in the records of that period, materials and events which
prove that then it was that the impostures of modern spiritual rappers and mediums were first practiced, in precisely the same way and for the same results as they are at the present day. ...
Count Cagliostro enabled Cardinal Rohan to sup with the deceased D'Alembert, with the king of Prussia, and with Voltaire, all dead some years before.
He convinced His Eminence that the worker of these wonders had himself been present with Christ at the marriage in Cana of Galilee. ... In the triumphs of Cagliostro, of Misner, and of St. Germain, which at this period were at their greatest hight, we behold another instance of the uprooting of the firm and stable foundations of society in an excessive desire for novelties, and a restless itching after things new, mysterious, and wonderful."
Daniel&Revelation, Uriah Smith
Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers,
nor the desire of women, nor regard any god:
for he shall magnify himself above all.
Daniel 11:37