Thursday, September 27, 2018

Atheists & Islam: Desire of Strange Bedfellows

"Atheists and Islamic extremists have something in common – they want a world without Christianity. These strange bedfellows believe that the world would be a better place if it was devoid of this religion started by Jesus Christ two millennia ago.

There is nothing new about the 'New Atheism'. ... They are going to take us back to a pre-Christian, pagan, racist world of inequality because without God there is no humanity. Without God there are no morals.

Today's atheists and nihilists do not know that they are playing with fire, a fire that could destroy our civilization.

What ended the prevalent practice of slavery during the Greco-Roman era was the revolutionary Christian message about equality among humankind as declared by Apostle Paul in Galatians 3:28, "There is neither Jew nor Gentle, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus." This radical Christian idea took hold of the Roman world and the West, and for the next millennium, no influential philosopher advocated slavery, infanticide or eugenics.

But during the 18th and 19th centuries there was the rise of anti-Christian philosophy among influential thinkers who again promoted racism, including the famous Scottish philosopher and atheist David Hume who asserted in "Essay XXI. Of National Characters": "Negroes, and in general all the other species of man (for there are four or five different kinds), [are] naturally inferior to the whites," and "You may obtain anything of the Negroes by offering them strong drink; and may easily prevail with them to sell, not only their children, but their wives and mistresses, for a cask of brandy."

Nietzsche's Superman – a madman determined to destroy most of humanity to benefit a 'superior' race.
Hitler was the end-product of the West's determination to move away from its Christian heritage. In rejecting Christianity, the radical atheism of the twentieth century did not take humanity forward into some enlightened post-Christian utopia; it took humanity back into pre-Christian barbarism."