Wednesday, September 19, 2018

About Pre-Flood Human Remains

"Where are the fossils from the people who lived before the Flood? An  ICR article supplied seven responses to this question.
  1. Land animals and humans have a low fossilization potential. We would expect few fossils from them.
  2. If the Flood buried a multitude of people and distributed their bodies among the world’s sedimentary rocks, finding even one human fossil in such a vast area would be unlikely.
  3. Underwater mudflows during the Flood would have ground human bones to powder.
  4. Floodwaters receding off continents might have likewise pulverized them.
  5. Catastrophic geological processes may have buried ancient continents in their entirety, virtually erasing all evidence of people.
  6. Whoever discovers a pre-Flood human bone or bone fragment might not identify it as such, since that finding would not fit evolutionary expectations.
  7. The pre-Flood population might have been quite small, considering Genesis 6:13’s statement that “the earth was filled with violence.”
Also, Jewish tradition from the Book of Enoch, part of which appears to be quoted in Jude 1:14-15,
says that perhaps most of the pre-Flood people murdered one another.

We shouldn’t lean too heavily on this for historical details, but we can lean on Scripture. It says the violence was so extreme it deserved worldwide judgment. Exceedingly high murder rates could have whittled down the ancient population, but Matthew 24 confirms that some still lived. In verse 39 Jesus said, “The flood came and took them all away.”
The fewer their numbers, the less likely any fossils would be found."