Sunday, September 2, 2018

A-Louyi "Babel" Story?

 And the LORD came down to see the city and the tower, which the children of men builded.
Genesis 11:5

".....a tradition which may refer to the building of the Tower of Babel,...The story thus briefly referred to by Dr. Livingstone has been more fully recorded by a Swiss missionary.

The A-Louyi, a tribe of the Upper Zambezi, say that formerly their god Nyambe, whom they identify with the sun, used to dwell on earth, but that he afterwards ascended up to heaven on a spider's web.

From his post up aloft he said to men, "Worship me." But men said,
"Come, let us kill Nyambe." Alarmed at this impious threat, the deity fled to the sky, from which it would seem that he had temporarily descended. So men said, "Come, let us make masts to reach up to heaven." They set up masts and added more masts, joining them one to the other, and they clambered up them. But when they had climbed far up, the masts fell down, and all the men on the masts were killed by the fall. That was the end of them." FLOT