Monday, August 27, 2018

Why Peterson might MIss God

Although Dr. Jordan Peterson says a lot of common sense things about social, cultural and political issues---he may MISS GOD when it comes to religion. He recently has been delving more into Christianity and the Bible--though not quite a full believer.

To be fair, he seems to have some good observations to specifics of Bible stories. Yet he misses the mark on the big picture.

2 Reasons Jordan Peterson might MISS GOD
as he delves into religion:
1) He still has his academic BLINDERS on as he approaches Christianity.
When he deconstructs cultural, social and political nonsense of the world with that approach--that's
fine because those are man made constructs of the very nature he is using to deconstruct.
But when he approaches religion in the same way--this works as BLINDERS. God is NOT a construct and therefore can't be deconstructed. He is the Great I Am.
Christianity can't be reduced to a litany of requests for definitions at every turn. This is the point for childlike faith.
2) Darwinian Macro-Evolution & Long Age Chronology:
Peterson still stubbornly holds to the BLINDERS of evolution & long age chronology. As long as he accepts the dogma of the scientifically impossible (macro-evolution) he will always be BLINDED to some degree and MISS GOD.
It seems that Dr. Peterson is getting flashes of LIGHT from delving into the Bible, yet he keeps MISSING the POINT of it all and could MISS GOD in the pages of Scripture.
I am Alpha and Omega,
 the beginning and the end,
the first and the last.
Revelation 22:13