Friday, August 24, 2018

The Times of Enoch

"Enoch lived in a very evil age. He was prominent at a time when
sin was beginning to cover the earth, not very long before the earth was corrupt and God saw fit to sweep the whole population from off its surface on account of sin.

Enoch lived in a day of mockers and despisers.

He lived when few loved God and when those who professed to do so were being drawn aside by the blandishments of the daughters of men.
--Church and state were proposing an alliance,
--fashion and pleasure ruled the hour,
--and unhallowed compromise was the order of the day.

He lived towards the close of those primitive times when long lives had produced great sinners, and great sinners had invented great provocations for God.

Do not complain, therefore, of your times and of your neighbors and other surroundings, for amid them all you may still walk with God."
Charles Spurgeon
Enoch walked with God: and he was not; for God took him. Genesis 5:24