Wednesday, August 1, 2018

The "Really" File - (Jamming to Beyoncé during Abortion?)

Be not over much wicked, neither be thou foolish:
Ecclesiastes 7:17
"An outspoken Christian mom vlogger and conservative activist is slamming SELF magazine for an article advising women about
what music to listen to while undergoing abortions.

In the July 24 article, "15 Ways To Mentally and Physically Prepare for Your Abortion," the women's health and wellness magazine tells readers that "your doctor may be required by law to lie to you or give you written materials with false information about abortion" and says that abortion carries fewer risks and complications than giving birth. An abortion doula quoted in the 
From the "Really" File
piece offers as an "empowering" method of preparation "stream[ing] Beyoncé before, during, and after your procedure if you want" and recommends a meditation app.

The magazine further suggests to those seeking abortions that playing ones favorite music, is "something to drown out the vacuum so you won't be triggered the rest of your life when you vacuum or hear a dentist drill." CP