Saturday, August 4, 2018

The "Really" File - (a Brewsky with that Verse?)

The heart is deceitful above all things,
and desperately wicked: who can know it?
Jeremiah 17:9

"A California church sold their church building and relocated in a new space where beer is served and plans are underway to build a brewery where church services can occur.

"We decided to sell the building, because for us a church is a community and a movement," pastor Chris VanHall, who leads The Greater Purpose Community Church in Santa Cruz, California.

VanHall's church community ended up in a food lounge complete with several beer options, a move that reportedly gained them new followers.

Formerly named Garfield Park Community Church, the progressive Disciples of Christ congregation's "About" section on their Facebook page and website explains that they "will embrace 
From the "Really" File
you regardless of your faith, personal life choices, race, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, political preference, social status, or economic standing

"We love and value all equally and at Greater Purpose Community Church: ALL LITERALLY MEANS ALL! Radical love and unity are sacred in our community."

VanHall came to Santa Cruz to plant a church, according to his bio on the GPCC website, in hopes of creating "a place of safety for those who have justifiably left the church, due to bigotry and hate-filled theology."

Food lounge owner Andrea Mollenauer, whose business is hosting the church thinks it is a great idea.
"Why not serve beer when they're reading Bible verses? I thought it was genius," she said." CP