Wednesday, August 29, 2018

SDA Issues - Simplifying 1888

"The rejection of the 1888 light opened the way for false ideas to enter under the guise of righteousness by faith.

Indeed, if we turn from the genuine, nothing can prevent our grasping the counterfeit.

A. T. Jones, at the 1893 General Conference Session showed how the mind devoted to self becomes the mind of Satan. He traced its development though paganism to the subtleties of Romanism.

He said there are two kinds of justification by faith- -a true and a counterfeit.

The counterfeit says that justification by faith is purely a legal pronouncement made millions of light years away that has no relation to our human heart; we verbally "accept Christ" and we start the heavenly machinery rolling.

One's name is then entered in God's computer and our eternal social security benefits are then credited to our account.
Our decision has initiated this process of legal acquittal. We were clever enough to put the coins in the washing machine. An element of pride can enter here; we initiated the process of our salvation.
A perfect example of what Peter has told us: "While they promise [us] liberty, they themselves are slaves of corruption; for by whom a person is overcome, by him also he is brought into bondage" (2 Peter 2:19, NKJV)."