Monday, August 13, 2018

SDA Issues: Alex Jones Lesson

This isn't to defend or bash Alex Jones, rather, it is to point to a Lesson....
Big Tech Monopolies erased Jones from most of cyberspace within 12 hours....
The Lesson: Who's Next? Sabbath Keepers one day? The 3rd Angel's Message? The Sanctuary Message? When the time comes you could be next for scrubbing from cyberspace....Woe unto thee..Luke 10:13

"YouTube, Apple and Facebook have removed main outlets for Alex Jones and his Infowars website. Infowars responded by accusing the companies of censorship.

The streaming service Spotify also expanded a ban imposed last week on some of Jones' content, saying Monday that "The Alex Jones Show has lost access to the Spotify platform."
"Mega Purge!" RealNews tweeted on Monday morning. Paul Joseph Watson, Infowars' editor at large, wrote, "Spotify has now completely banned Infowars too. Apple, Facebook, Spotify all within 12 hours of each other. This isn't enforcement of [terms of service], it's coordinated big tech censorship. This is real election meddling."