Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Papal Notes - More Calls for Resignation

"Laura Ingraham, host of both “The Ingraham Angle” and “The Ingraham Show,” posted a message
on Twitter yesterday saying that Pope Francis’s remarks in Ireland about clerical sexual abuse were insufficient.

Too little, too late from Pope Francis in Ireland,” she tweeted I stand with Archbishop Carlo Vigano. Time for the laity to demand a new Shepherd.”

Viganò also alleges that McCarrick, with Cardinals Maradiaga and Wuerl, orchestrated the promotions of Blase Cupich, now Cardinal Archbishop of Chicago, and Joseph Tobin, now Cardinal Archbishop of Newark, New Jersey.
He stated also, however, that Pope Francis had told him at their first meeting that American bishops “must not be ideologized”, neither “right-wing like the Archbishop of Philadelphia [Charles J. Chaput]” nor “left-wing...and when I say left-wing”--the Pope apparently explained-- “I mean homosexual.” 

Ingraham is herself a Roman Catholic laywoman and described her conversion to the faith in her book Power to the People."
He that covereth his sins shall not prosper:
Proverbs 28:13