Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Papal Notes - After Shocks

Being filled with all unrighteousness... Romans 1:29

"Though the Vatican may be trying to ignore the tempest generated by explosive allegations from a former papal ambassador that Pope Francis knew about misconduct allegations against ex-Cardinal Theodore McCarrick and ignored them, that didn’t stop reverberations being felt in Rome on Wednesday.

Pope Francis during his regular Wednesday general audience didn’t allude to the McCarrick charge.

there were at least four aftershocks from the earthquake triggered on Sunday, when an 11-page letter from Italian Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò was released claiming he informed Francis in June 2013 that McCarrick had “corrupted generations of seminarians,” that the Vatican’s Congregation for Bishops has a thick dossier on the ex-cardinal, and that Pope emeritus Benedict XVI had imposed restrictions as a result.
  • Vatican spokesmen were compelled to issue a public denial after Italian news agencies moved
    a story claiming close aides to the pope described him as “embittered” about the Viganò affair.
  • Two American archbishops on Tuesday and Wednesday became the latest prelates in the country to endorse Viganò’s credibility.
  • Viganò himself gave an interview to a major Italian newspaper, among other things rejecting suggestions that he’s lashing out at Francis now out of sour grapes.
  • At the end of Francis’s General Audience on Wednesday, a group in St. Peter’s Square could be heard chanting, and many observers thought they heard “Viganò!” ....
Late on Tuesday, the Italian news agency Ansa carried a story citing “close collaborators” of Francis describing the pontiff as embittered by the Viganò affair." CRUX