Monday, August 20, 2018

IN the NEWS - Smart Politician

"A Massachusetts Republican found a unique way to defeat a bill that would have added a third
gender to the state’s driver’s licenses: He forced Democrats to hold an individual vote on 73 specific genders. 
The ploy by state Rep. Jim Lyons took place on the final day of the legislative session (July 31), with House Democrats needing to pass bills prior to midnight. One of those bills would have placed a “Gender X” on driver’s licenses alongside “male” and “female.” 
Knowing that Democrats had the numbers to pass the bill on a straight vote, Lyons decided to make them take a stand on 73 specific genders. Why 73? That’s the number he found on Facebook, according to Boston Herald radio host and columnist Howie Carr, who applauded Lyons’ tactic. The Democrats couldn’t vote against any of the amendments, Carr wrote, because they otherwise would be admitting that the bill “was preposterous on its face.” BCN
And all the people shall say, Amen.
Deuteronomy 27:13