Thursday, August 23, 2018

IN the NEWS - Pence on Space & God

Is not God in the height of heaven?
Look also at the distant stars,
how high they are!
Job 22:12

"For decades, outer space has been described by U.S. leaders as the final frontier.....

Here Pence was at the inaugural meeting of the National Space Council, in October of last year:
As President Trump has said, in his words, “It is America’s destiny to be the leader
amongst nations on our adventure into the great unknown.” And today we begin the latest chapter of that adventure. But as we embark, let us have faith. Faith that, as the Old Book teaches us that if we rise to the heavens, He will be there.
And then, in April of this year, at a gathering of space-industry professionals:
And as we renew our commitment to lead, let’s go with confidence and let’s go with faith—the faith that we do not go alone. For as millions of Americans have believed throughout the long and storied history of this nation of pioneers, I believe, as well, there is nowhere we can go from His spirit; that if we rise on the wings of the dawn, settle on the far side of the sea, even if we go up to the heavens, even there His hand will guide us, and His right hand will hold us fast.

Pence liked to say he was “a Christian, a conservative, and a Republican, in that order.” As a congressman, he cited scripture to explain his votes and prayed with his staffers."