Saturday, August 4, 2018

IN the NEWS - New Age in 2020?

The takeaway from this is that there is no criticism of her views....what if she was a true Christian, who personally was opposed to gay marriage or supportive of religious freedom as it relates to business owners being forced to service gay weddings (that sanctions the activity) or gay pride parades (that celebrate the activity)?...the whole article would be full of criticism of that aimed at her...but if she's new age, well....besides, she won't likely run but rather is promoting her name in the public arena for her book sales, etc.

"New Age author Marianne Williamson was in Iowa earlier this week meeting with Democratic activists to explore the possibility of a presidential campaign.
Tom Henderson, a prominent Democratic activist in the state, told the Guardian that Williamson said she was “just looking into it and not a candidate yet”.

Williamson is a prominent New Age author who has written New York Times best sellers, most recently Tears to Triumph about “the spiritual journey from suffering to enlightenment”.
One source said Williamson took meetings in the Des Moines area and also in Fairfield, Iowa, a rural town that is home to the Maharishi University of Management and has a thriving community of practitioners of transcendental meditation.

Williamson’s interest in a potential presidential bid is a sign of how broad the Democratic field in 2020 might be. Dozens of Democrats have been mooted as candidates and Williamson would have competition even for the “yoga vote”.

Ohio congressman Tim Ryan has reportedly said that he is hoping to court that demographic if he mounts a bid. Ryan, a Rust Belt Democrat who mounted an unsuccessful challenge to Nancy Pelosi for minority leader, has long practiced and advocated for meditation." TheGuardian