Thursday, August 16, 2018

IN the NEWS - Communist Enmity

Because the carnal mind is enmity against God:
Romans 8:7
"The country’s ruling Communist party has chosen to eradicate the faith amongst its 1.38 billion residents, going as far as banning children from visiting churches.

The crackdown has been mainly imposed in China’s Xinjiang province, on the borders of Pakistan and Afghanistan, with officials saying the region is “not Chinese enough”.

It has become the primary focus of President Xi’s plans to eradicate “differences” between Chinese communities across the entire country.

He insists that “Chinese characteristics” must be incorporated into all activities, beliefs and traditions; chief among them being unwavering loyalty to the Communist party.

In April, China’s religious affairs department published an article saying that churches must endorse the party’s leadership as part of “Sinicization.”
The article stated: Only Sinicized churches can obtain God’s love.”