Thursday, August 2, 2018

IN the NEWS - Brown Plays the Green Card

I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called
 you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel:
Galatians 1:6
Jerry Brown preaches more of the Green religions Apocalyptic Nonsense....and how does he know if these are the worst "heat condition" since the dawn of civilization?...Notice he goes unchallenged by the media....

"With more than 20 active fires small and very large tearing across the state, California Gov. Jerry Brown warned today that “nature is powerful, and we’re not on the side of nature,” and that
devastating blazes are "the new normal."
The governor added that "since civilization emerged 10,000 years ago, we haven’t had this kind of heat condition, and it’s going to continue getting worse and that’s the way it is."
Some people don’t want to accept that, some just outright deny it," Brown continued.
The governor said that steps to combat global warming can still, eventually, “shift the weather back to where it historically was.”PJ Media