Sunday, August 26, 2018

Health Note- Alcohol Tremors

I wish above all things that thou mayest in health...
3 John 1:2
"When the appetite for spirituous liquor is indulged, the man voluntarily places to his lips the draft which debases below the level of the brute him who was made in the image of God."
Testimonies, vol. 3, p. 561 Ellen White
Why Do Alcoholics Shake?
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"The involuntary shaking associated with alcohol withdrawal will typically be seen in those who have a long history of alcohol abuse or chronic struggles with alcohol addiction.

Alcohol withdrawal symptoms, including shaking, are typically strongest 24 to 72 hours after the person had their last drink.
According to the Practical Neurology journal, frequent and excessive alcohol consumption can also damage the cerebellum, an area of the brain located near the top of the brain stem that regulates balance, coordination and fine motor movement.

Alcohol-related damage to the cerebellum can result in what’s known as an intention tremor. An intention tremor is a certain type of trembling that is most noticeable when a person makes purposeful or goal-oriented movement toward an object, but the tremor may also be present at rest.

Tremors and other symptoms of alcohol withdrawal can occur as soon as six hours after someone last had a drink. That’s why some alcoholics wake up shaky in the morning and need a drink to feel steady.

Shaking from alcohol withdrawal may also occur because alcohol abuse has changed your nerve cells. Alcohol exerts its depressant effects by reducing activity in the brain, and the brain becomes neurologically accustomed to this consistently lower level of stimulation as you maintain heavy or frequent drinking habits. Then, when you stop drinking, your brain is flooded with more activity than it is ready for, leading to nervous system hyperactivity symptoms like trembling or tremors.

About 5% of people who undergo alcohol withdrawal develop a serious condition called delirium tremens (or DTs), a neurologic disorder that can give rise to hallucinations, mental confusion, disorientation, as well as whole-body tremors. This form of withdrawal reaction generally starts 2 to 4 days after the last drink, although it can take as long as 10 days to develop.
If you are a heavy drinker and you are shaking for 2 days or more after a night of drinking, or every morning after you drink, you might be experiencing delirium tremens, also known as DTs. If these symptoms persist for a day or two it is important that you find a professional alcohol detox center immediately.
Unmonitored detox from alcohol can be fatal.
Alcoholism can also lead to liver disease, which, in its advanced stages, can cause a characteristic flapping or shaking of the hands known as asterixis.
These are the two defining characteristics of an Alcohol Misuse Disorder:
  1. You have difficulty controlling how much alcohol you drink. For example, once you start to drink, one drink leads to more drinks, and the next day you realize you drank more than you would have liked.
  2. You continue to drink even though it has negative consequences to your life. For example, drinking has hurt your relationships, but you continue to drink.

Do You Have a Drinking Problem?

The CAGE test for alcohol abuse and alcohol addiction is a simple and accurate self-test to help you decide if you have a problem. Answer yes or no to each question.
  1. Have you ever thought you should Cut down on your drinking?
  2. Have you ever felt Annoyed when people have commented on your drinking?
  3. Have you ever felt Guilty or badly about your drinking?
  4. Have you ever had an Eye opener drink when you wake up to steady your nerves or to get rid of a hangover?"
