Saturday, August 11, 2018

E.G.W. to our Ministers SERIES: #7 [Be Not Diverted by Minutiae]

Be Not Diverted by Minutiae
And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached
in all the world for a witness unto all nations;
and then shall the end come.
Matthew 24:14
"We are to proclaim the third angel's mes­sage to a perishing world, and we are not to permit our minds to become diverted by
minutiae that practically amount to nothing. If our brethren would consider the important matters pertaining to eternal life and eternal death, many of the smaller matters that they desire so much to adjust, would adjust them­selves.

 When Jesus shall lead us by the side of the living waters flowing from God's throne, He will explain to us many of the mysteries of the Bible that we cannot now comprehend. He is the Great Teacher of His Word, which cannot be fully understood in this life, but which in the future life will be clothed with the bright­ness of the light of clear understanding."
 Ellen G. White Letter 16,1903