Thursday, August 9, 2018

E.G.W. to our Ministers SERIES: #5 [Grapple With Great Themes]

Grapple With Great Themes

"My brethren, the value of the evidences of truth that we have received during the past half century, is above estimate.

Those who have been long in the truth and those who have recently received the truth must now dig for the buried heavenly treasure.

Let every man work to the point.
Study the word of God. "Search the Scriptures," Christ said; "for in them ye think ye have eternal
life, and they are they which testify of Me."

Those who stand before the people as teach­ers of truth are to grapple with great themes.
They are not to occupy precious time in talk­ing of trivial subjects.
Let them study the Word, and preach the Word.
Let the Word be in their hands as a sharp, two-edged sword.
Let it testify to past truths and show what is to be in the future."
 Ellen G. White MS. 31, 1906/John 5:39