Friday, August 24, 2018

Creation Moment 8/25/2018 - Evolution vs. Child Prodigy

"...the term child prodigy is defined as a person under the age of ten who produces meaningful output in some domain to the level of an adult expert performer." wikiAnd God said, Let us make man in our image, ... Genesis 1:26 "One of the odd and seemingly inexplicable human traits that has been recorded throughout history is the child prodigy.
 To give a contemporary example, Myron Romano began learning the piano at the age of six. Five years later he was concert soloist with the Boston Pops Orchestra! Examples could be produced of men who have mastered twenty languages before their twentieth birthday.  Certainly, science cannot explain the musical or artistic genius by the survival of the fittest principle since these talents offer no advantage to survival.  If, by evolutionary reasoning, such genius is a foretaste of what mankind might aspire to, then teleology has to be admitted -- that is, "blind nature" knows in advance the ultimate destiny of each species. Darwin could not accept this and thus could not speak of the "ascent of man".

On the other hand, if such genius is a throwback to what mankind once was, then the "fall" of man has to be admitted and the theory of evolution dismissed. Either view is uncomfortable for the committed Darwinist."