Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Creation Moment 8/2/2018 - Darwinian Name Calling

....The LORD is my rock, and my fortress,... 2 Samuel 22:2
"It’s very clear that many of the atheist/Darwinist tweeters do not even read the articles they complain about. Just hearing about something that lumps a person in with “them” (creationists), or seeing something that questions the Darwinian consensus is enough to set them off. They don’t see the irony in their words:
  • They will lie, and then call you a liar.
  • They will display bigotry, but call you a bigoted creationist who refuses to look at evidence.
  • They don’t understand their own theory, but will call you ignorant.
  • They accuse you of trusting a holy book, but will rely on authority of the scientific consensus.
  • They will make fallacious statements, but accuse you of logical fallacies.
  • They will rush to judgment, then say you don’t use the scientific method.
  • They will say you don’t have any scientific evidence, then ignore the evidence you give them.
  • They demand specific answers, but speak in broad generalities.
  • They will say you don’t understand science, but then use religious arguments.
  • They will call you irrational, but then engage in mockery.
  • They will threaten you, then call you a threat to society.
What is it about Darwinism that does this to people? In a sense, you could say that they are acting in accordance with their beliefs. .... But
when evidence and logic is presented to them, they attack with even more vitriol. .....Their favorite attack, though, is to call Darwin skeptics “ignorant.” They do this to any Darwin skeptic, even to ones with multiple PhDs like Dembski, Wells and Meyer, categorically denying them a fair hearing just for the crime of doubting Darwin."