Monday, August 6, 2018

Bottom Line of Romans 1

"Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.
Romans 1:31.

The last half of Romans chapter 1 is a Divine analysis of the psychology of unbelief. Why godlessness?

The answer is that it is not ignorance or lack of evidence,
 but rather it is nothing less than a refusal to believe,
and that in spite of both external(Creation, and it’s order),
 and internal (conscience, the universality of such intangibles as Justice and truth) evidence.

They exchange the dignity of being made in the mage of God, for something that looks amazingly like one of those evolutionary charts, as an explanation of our origins.

They also have to make an exchange in the area of philosophy, they give up on Truth and embrace relativism. And finally they end up exchanging the God given roles for that which is unnatural, feminism, and it’ s mutant offspring, homosexuality.

The acceptance of abortion has furthermore brought us to exchange of the natural for the unnatural,(i.e. homosexuality). Abortion amounts to the killing, not only of the baby, but of the mother also, in the sense that it is the ultimate expression of rejection of the maternal role. There is nothing natural about a mother killing her unborn child."