Tuesday, July 24, 2018

The "Really" File - (Wisdomless "Wisdomless Club")

The "wisdomless club" is wisdomless alright....can you imagine Paul serving COCKTAILS at a bar with religious art as a tool for evangelism? Me neither....
Wine is a mocker, strong drink is raging: and whosoever is deceived thereby is not wise.
Proverbs 20:1

"While Rome always has been a city of beauty that highlights both the past and the present, a quaint and unusual bar nestled in the 
yes, this is the Wisdomless Club
Can anyone picture Paul in this?
heart of the Eternal City has taken that concept to new heights.

Located in Rome’s historic center, Wisdomless Club is known for serving up classic cocktails. But it also features 1930s decor interspersed with pieces of classical Christian art meant to awaken patrons’ attraction to beauty, Fabrizio Ghilardi, managing director, told Catholic News Service.
Beauty, like faith, isn’t meant to be imposed but rather experienced 
From the "Really" File
firsthand and as “a gift from God,” Ghilardi said. “You can either accept it or reject it.”

There are some religious people who make proselytism their weapon, but that is a sectarian technique. I think, instead, that entering a place like this and seeing and participating in what is beautiful is attractive,” he said.
Wisdomless Club opened in February with a simple, yet elegant aesthetic featuring wood paneling, vintage chesterfield sofas, art and religious objects. Its name, Ghilardi said, is meant to be light-hearted self-deprecation; while the members are serious about faith and about life, they are at a bar, after all." CRUX