Thursday, July 19, 2018

The Black Finger Marks of Sin

For I will cleanse their blood that I have not cleansed.
 Joel 3:21

"It is a great truth which lies at the foundation of the Gospel
system, that the blood of Jesus Christ, God’s dear Son, cleanseth us from all sin.
When a man is washed in the sacred laver which is filled with the blood of the atonement, he is not partially cleansed, but he is clean every whit.

 If that cleansing left but one sin still upon us in the sight of God,
it would have no power to save.

But our faith partakes of the frailty of our nature.
It is often trembling;
it sometimes staggers at the promise.

 Let me ask you in the first place-, what is that winch ever makes us doubt our salvation?

 It is because the conscience knows some secret stain;
because the black finger marks of sin
are not completely washed out.

You come to think of him,
not as a tender father,
but as, to say the least of it,
a severe taskmaster.

There is a promise before you, an exceeding great and precious promise. Why do you not lay hold upon it?
God did not choose you for your worthiness;
Christ did not purchase you from your goodness;
the Holy Ghost did not call you because of your excellencies;
nor will ye be saved because of any inherent virtue in you."
Charles Spurgeon