Sunday, July 22, 2018

SDA Issues - That's a NO NO

Below are bits 'n pieces from the Adventist Review demonstrating, once again, that certain people are using our periodicals to promote their left wing political worldview that has NOTHING to do with Scripture.....on so-called "climate change", people hold different views and the Bible, no where, commands which side to take....These are people, like Schimpf-Torreblanca, Well &Holdsworth, who obviously dabble in leftist politics and want the church to be a mouthpiece for the DNC...
ESCHATOLOGY has NOTHING to do with the climate change debate -- except for maybe the point they missed as it relates to our end time worldview--that of using this climate scare to possibly help actually usher in the mark of the beast.
[click on Link for a Sermon by Emmanuel L. Nougaisse for an actual SDA view of how "climate change"/environmentalism could actually fit into eschatology-]

Nonsense below from Adventist Review--
"The fact that the world’s climate is changing for the worse should be a motivation to double our evangelistic and social efforts as God’s remnant church, said several scholars in separate
presentations at the Fourth International Bible Conference in Rome, Italy, held June 11-21, 2018.
Antillean Adventist University professor Silvia Schimpf-Torreblanca ..... “Eschatology and environmentalism are not, after all, contradictory but complementary ideas,” she said. “The care of the earth is not disconnected from the Christian mission of proclaiming the good news of salvation.”
Andrews University associate professor of Hebrew Bible A. Rahel Wells agreed. “Eschatology provides a definitive motivation for ecology,”...Holdsworth, quoted leading climate scientist Susanne Moser, who stated in 2015 regarding climate change, “We’re just beginning to understand the most catastrophic situations, and we’re starting to sound like TV evangelists in what we’re trying to say.”
Holdsworth emphasized, the church should recognize “climate-driven environmental circumstances … not only as eschatological fulfillment but as an opportunity to engage in evangelism as spoken and lived efforts to bring hope to a world immersed in growing crisis.” Adventist Review
This was a Big No No on the part of the Adventist Review.....shame on Bill Knott...Quit distracting the Church from the Gospel, 3 Angel's Messages & beauty of the Sanctuary Doctrine as an official Church periodical....stop dabbling in the GREEN RELIGION rooted in mother earth spiritualism!!!
I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that
called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel:
Galatians 1:6