Saturday, July 21, 2018

SDA Issues- Avoid David Mould

Woe to the crown of pride, to the drunkards of Ephraim, ...
Isaiah 28:1
David Mould is a preacher who should be avoided....although he claimed to have repented and changed from his past (and he may have-we don't know-only God knows) you shouldn't waste time with him or donate to his ministry...HERE IS WHY....

He founded around 1979 Jesus Behind Bars (JBB) and in the 80's Laymen for Religious Liberty (LRL)
* He was documented to have had 6 affairs as a married man at his "ministry".
* He flew one woman he got pregnant to Jamaica (where he is originally from before moving to Florida) to have an ABORTION of which he paid for.
* He was taking a $15 cut of EVERY donation of all that came in, even if the donation was under $15...
* He was taking for himself a %15 "marketing fee" of all donations for his ad campaigns for book sales...he did this by setting up a fake advertising agency to launder the  money through named Farquharson, Emmerson & Churchill.
* His ad campaigns included a massive, expensive promotion of the Great Controversy reprinted full of pictures...the campaigns biggest focus was the Indianapolis and Orlando media markets. He sold very few books, spent hundreds of thousands of dollars--but raised millions for it.
* His so-called zip code project, to raise funds and target literature saturating a zip code--never mailed out any literature.
* He spent ministry money to help buy himself a home in Florida.
* He was investigated by multiple federal and state agencies, received fines, and barely avoided prison.
* An artist named Arabito made the pictures for his reprint of The Great Controversy. He never paid any royalties as agreed to and had to be taken to be sued by Arabito's widow in the early 90's.
* In 1992, when Pope John Paul was going to Jamaica, Mould had a newsletter printed to be mailed out for a fundraiser to make billboards in Jamaica. The Pope cancelled. Mould still ordered the

newsletter/fundraiser sent out. There was a heated argument between Mould and a staffer named Rick Metcalf over it.
* He also wrote himself checks from the ministries funds, which bounced! Yes, he wrote himself bounced checks...due to his financial mismanagement.
* The royalty checks due to the artist for the pictures of his version of the Great Controversy, and the royalty checks due to the White estate for sales of the book...he paid himself...
* He was caught by the Florida Securities & Exchange Commission engaging in illegal loan activity.
---although Mould claimed to have repented---here is more recent info on his antics---
* Mould is back in cyberspace raising money for his zip code project.
* Mould is still hawking his the Great Controversy book with pictures.
* Mould recently caused a stir in the Jamaican media when he appeared on TV with a supposed ex-catholic priest at his side to criticize Papal Rome. Turns out the "ex-priest" had only attended their seminary for a week.....and Mould knew this...

@Paul tells us that a leader who has a public fall shouldn't be in the public spotlight anymore.
@And the S.O.P., which Mould claims to believe in, and sells copies of the Great Controversy, tells us that any minister who commits sexual immorality, especially adultery, should NEVER work in  ministry again...
His "ministry" is on youtube taking advantage of SDA's frustrated with the apostasy in the ranks...and he's back to the same old antics...I thought that his viewers and donors of this generation should know what he did in the last generation.......
SO.............has David Mould really changed? decide...