Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Papal Notes - Laudato Si for the Cosmos?

"Earth might be on the verge of a new space age. United Nations data shows that 90 countries already have government space programs, just as private enterprises race each other to conquer the final frontier.
Yet, according to the “pope’s astronomer,” as space gets increasingly crowded, it’s essential for everyone to get along and follow the rules.
A lot of the ‘Johnny-come-latelies’ in America, Elon Musk and the like, basically have to realize that they are getting into a field that has been active for over 50 years,” said Jesuit brother Guy Consolmagno, planetary scientist and director of the Vatican observatory since 2015, in an interview with Crux.
We love to have private enterprises in space, but people have to learn to work together so all of us can use its resources,” he added.

The business magnate Elon Musk, founder of SpaceX, has been looking to the stars for his next great enterprise, promising tourist space-shuttles, planetary colonization and even 12,000 satellites that could guarantee high-speed internet for all.
United States President Donald Trump’s desire to create a “Space Force,” which would qualify as an independent sixth military branch, promises to give even more thrust to private companies, including Space X, Amazon.com and Virgin Group, opening up investment and financing possibilities.

Consolmagno represented the Holy See during the UNISPACE+50 summit in Vienna, celebrating the 50th anniversary of the first UN conference on the Exploration and Peaceful Uses of Outer Space, where he stressed the Vatican’s wish that “outer space remains peaceful” and benefit everyone.

The potential for development through space technology is immense, and the best way to make use of this potential is through international cooperation,” he said in his June 21 statement.

The summit was one of many endeavors that the Vatican has partaken in, placing the Church’s teaching, and especially Pope Francis’s 2016 encyclical on the care of the environment, Laudato Si, in the wider context of the cosmos." CRUX
--The Vatican had a seat at the space summit? Why?
--The Vatican thinks Laudato Si should be extended into the cosmos? Why?
...even of that horn that had eyes, and a mouth that spake very great things, whose look was more stout than his fellows.
Daniel 7:20