Sunday, July 8, 2018

Papal Notes - High Priest / Vicarius Filli Dei Alliance?

I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him
 that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel:
Galatians 1:6
Where will this "Sustainability Revolution" of  an alliance between the High Priest of the Green religion (Gore) and the papacy lead?.....could it be used one day as the glue for uniting the world around a counterfeit Sabbath (mark of the beast) in the name of setting aside a day to let mother earth rest as others set it aside to honor the Father God?....whether these men (Gore & Francis) are involved --or-- their successors down the road pick up where they laid the groundwork--time will tell...

"Al Gore praises Pope Francis’ encyclical, “Laudato si”, and calls for a “Sustainability Revolution”.
You are one the strongest voices in the world calling for environmental protection. Why are you so passionately involved in this “green battle” for our planet?

... the climate crisis is now the biggest existential challenge humanity has ever faced. And it is not only humanity that is at risk; according to the world’s biologists, up to half of all the living species with which we share this Earth are in danger of extinction during this century. When Noah was instructed to gather two of every species in his ark in order to “keep them alive with thee,” I believe that instruction is also meant for us.

In a recent interview you said that climate change is not a political issue, “it is a moral and spiritual issue”. How do you see the importance of a spiritual leader like Pope Francis in sharing this commitment to safeguard the environment?
Pope Francis’s leadership has been an inspiration to all of us across the world, ... his papal encyclical, Laudato si’, marked a crucial step for the Catholic church...
In these and many other ways, the Pope has been at the forefront in leading the world toward constructive climate action. Virtually all of my Catholic colleagues and friends are thrilled to the marrow of their bones that he is providing this kind of spiritual leadership. As am I..... The Pope is a model for leaders of other faith traditions to communicate the dangers posed by the climate crisis and our duty as stewards of God’s creation to solve it. 

In his Encyclical letter Laudato si, on care for our common home, Pope Francis affirms that climate change and poverty are deeply interrelated in many regions of the world. How do you see that issue?
As Pope Francis has emphasized, ........According to the principles of Environmental Justice, we know that the plumes of this pollution are more likely to go into communities that have been deprived of the political and economic power necessary to defend themselves. So, that is where the first damage is done.
And it isn’t just those living in poverty who are disproportionately affected by the climate crisis. The list includes the mentally ill, those with pre-existing medical conditions, the elderly, infants and children, the homeless and minority communities.

Recently Pope Francis urged top oil executives to commit to efforts for producing clean fuel. What is needed to achieve this “dream”?
I was very happy to see Pope Francis convene top energy and investment executives to agree upon the importance of a price on carbon emissions. ...Once the economic question is taken out of the
equation then I am hopeful that the moral choice will become starkly clear to many more people and will prevail.
We are in the beginning stages of a global “Sustainability Revolution,” that has the scale and impact of the Industrial Revolution, but the speed of the Digital Revolution. Facilitated by the emergence of new technologies and increasingly informed consumers, sustainable business practices have spread rapidly in the past few years." Vatican News