Thursday, July 19, 2018

IN the NEWS - Some Good news Out of Canada

..... male and female created he them. Genesis 1:27

"With Ontario Premier Doug Ford’s repeal of Kathleen Wynne’s 2015 sex education curriculum——LGBT activists have melted down.
The accusations are typical: the Progressive Conservatives have been accused of “endangering children” in order to further their agenda. Of course, the reverse is actually the
case—transgender activists, being fully aware that a tiny minority of parents are going to be spreading the trans ideology to their children, thus need to hijack the school curriculum in order to ensure that their worldview is planted into fresh, vulnerable minds.
Debra Soh, who holds a PhD in sexual neuro-science research from York University and frequently writes about these topics for a variety of publications, said as much in the Globe and Mail, noting that she had once been a supporter of Wynne’s sex education curriculum, “but watching how its unscientific claims about gender identity have spread so prevalently has dampened my enthusiasm. The curriculum promotes the idea that there are more than two genders and that gender identity is socially constructed. The fact that few people have pointed out how these teachings aren’t based in science should raise a red flag in parents’ minds.”
Further to that, Soh wrote, “According to one survey, less than 1 per cent of people in the United States identify as transgender. That means for over 99 per cent of us, our biological sex is our gender. A curriculum that teaches gender fluidity is misleading and will impair a child’s ability to have an accurate understanding of the world.” Soh’s research inflames trans activists, who insist that children must be told that gender is fluid and non-binary, that genitalia are irrelevant in determining gender, and that there are many different genders beyond male and female. Any refusal to teach their ideology is, in their eyes, “transphobic.” Lifesite