Friday, July 13, 2018

IN the NEWS - Selling Out for $Money$

Your state governments selling out the culture for money...For the love of money is the root of all evil: 1 Timothy 6:10

"When one state figures out how to raise money in an easy way, other states take notice. Plenty of states have looked at Colorado,
for example. Recreational marijuana became legal in Colorado in 2014. The first year, the state generated $67.6 million in taxes, licenses, and fees from cannabis sales. Last year, that total topped $247 million. 
Just as more states implemented lotteries after New Hampshire's success, more states are now looking at legal marijuana as a revenue opportunity. One domino falls and sets off a chain reaction.
But how high can U.S. marijuana sales actually go? The Marijuana Business Factbook projects that U.S. cannabis sales will reach $22 billion by 2022. ArcView Market Research and BDS Analytics think the total could be even higher, with $23.4 billion in pot sales in the U.S. by 2022."