Tuesday, July 17, 2018

IN the NEWS - Rauner undone publicly

For the record---Rauner is an Episcopalian.......which would explain a lot...separation of Church & state does NOT mean that the governor of the state (who claims the Christian label) has to participate in the event....unless he forgot what his God teaches him...
And don’t forget Sodom and Gomorrah and their neighboring towns, which were filled with immorality and every kind of sexual perversion.  Jude 1:7
"Illinois Republican Gov. Bruce Rauner faces criticism from social conservatives once again, this time for the revelation that he officiated a same-sex “wedding” last month.

On Wednesday, the state conservative blog Illinois Review reported on a since-deleted Instagram post that appeared to show Rauner performing a “marriage” for two men. The Chicago Tribune confirmed the next day that he had indeed officiated the “marriage” of Mark Cozzi and James Goeke at a private club in Chicago on June 30.
We are elated that Governor Rauner was able to officiate our wedding,” the couple told the Tribune. “He and his wife Diana are great friends of ours and wonderful people.”
Rauner outraged pro-lifers last September when he broke an earlier promise and signed into law HB 40, which forced state taxpayers to pay for abortions through Medicaid and ensured that abortion will remain legal in Illinois in the event Roe v. Wade is overturned. He declared at the time that he would “never change” his view that women “must have” the legal power to abort their children."