Saturday, July 7, 2018

IN the NEWS - Elelmentary "Pride Parade"

MORE Evidence of INDOCTRINATION of wickedness into the youth via the Education system....apparently secular Leftists think the children belong to them--not to you the parent whom God gave the children to....

"An elementary school that boasts on its website about the involvement of its students’ parents
banned them from its grounds for a day last month after they objected to a planned Pride parade for children as young as five years old.
Steve Reed, an openly gay Labour & Co-operative member of Parliament in the United Kingdom, praised the school, Heavers Farm Primary School, and its students for the LGBTQ event.
In a tweet, Reed wrote that he was “very proud of them for standing up for equality and diversity.”
A photograph on Twitter shows hundreds of young children at the event on June 29, many of them wearing rainbow flag-themed hats. An LGBTQ flag is proudly displayed.
On Twitter, school officials gushed over the event’s success, calling it a “wonderful end to #PrideMonth this morning with some fantastic singing and lots of things to be proud of!”
But the men of Sodom were wicked and sinners before the LORD exceedingly.
Genesis 13:13