Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Creation Moment 7/4/2018 - Roaring for Darwin

"I am human; hear me roar (Science Daily). Researchers at the
University of Sussex asked some men and women to “roar” for Darwin – all for scientific progress, of course. The journal iScience published it, so this is serious business. In respectable jargon, they call this “Judging formidability from human vocalizations,” which, being interpreted, means that the evolutionary biologists wanted to know if other human mammals could judge a person’s height and strength by their screams. No kidding. They claimed 88% success. Hey, if it works for “sea lions, red deer and dogs,” it must be good for humans, too. Remember this, young men, when you’re serenading a date: roar at her so she can judge your evolutionary fitness for mating." CEH
I have seen the foolish taking root:
Job 5:3