Sunday, July 29, 2018

Creation Moment 7/29/2018 - Evolutionary Storytelling

"First snake found in amber is a baby from the age of the dinosaurs (New Scientist).

Amber fossils are always exciting; this one especially so, since it contains remains of a baby snake dated 100 million Darwin Years ago. Another piece of Burmese amber was found with pieces of skin that may be from a larger snake or a lizard. Michael LePage says that snake fossils are very rare. Only 15 snake fossils are known from this period, and none of them had ever been found in amber. Unfortunately the skull did not get preserved, but judging from the artwork, it looks like it was 100% snake. LePage obviously did not do eyewitness reporting for his opening story:
Around 100 million years ago, a baby snake hatched on a tropical island in the Indian Ocean. The tiny snake, just 10 centimetres long, got stuck in resin oozing from a tree.
That chunk of resin remained buried as the island drifted north and became part of what is now Myanmar."  CEH
More Evolutionary storytelling....
The tongue of the wise useth knowledge aright:
but the mouth of fools poureth out foolishness.
Proverbs 15:2