Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Creation Moment 7/25/2018 - SSWD

For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now.
Romans 8:22
"How California’s sea stars are evolving past a devastating pandemic (

In California, sea star wasting disease (SSWD) has had a devastating effect on a particular species of sea star, turning the “normally rigid body into a gooey blob.” Unchecked, the disease would have
driven the ochre sea star extinct, but some individuals of the species are surviving the epidemic (or “epizootic” as the paper in PNAS calls it).

Is this evolution in action? The article thinks so. “While it remains one of the worst marine pandemics ever recorded, the SSWD outbreak had an unexpected silver lining: It provided scientists with a natural experiment in evolution and an opportunity to explore how a species responds to a cataclysmic population collapse.”

At best, though, this is an example of microevolution that takes advantage of “standing genetic variation” – variability that already exists in the population.

The disease was specific enough to target only some existing variants. Others escaped. The biologists speak of “selection pressure” on the survivors, but that’s like saying wind creates selection pressure on falling leaves. Charles Darwin saw no more directionality to evolution than the way the wind blows." CEH