Saturday, June 2, 2018

SDA Issues - Spectrum goes Tao

Spectrum is so BLIND spiritually that they don't even have a clue as to why this is wrong---as they push Taoism....this is how dead in their Christian walk Spectrum Magazine has become....
--Highlights with Responses to their article is below--

"Phyllis Tickle describes Christian history as undergoing a massive shift roughly every 500 years and says it is time for another one. Establishing the religious book department at Publishers Weekly gave her insight to write The Great Emergence, her signature book, that defines our current era, the 4th
major turn in Christian history. The first three reshufflings were Constantine’s Influence, The Great Schism, and The Reformation...The Great Emergence.
The existential question for Christians on the journey of Great Emergence, according to Tickle is “Where, now, is the authority?”" Spectrum
Response: As for who Tickle is that Spectrum is drooling over...listen to a description from Lighthouse about her--"Translated, what that means is that Christianity cannot be defined, or confined, to one particular set of beliefs (doctrine), that it is always changing, always transforming (thus the Bible, as Phyllis Tickles says, is a nice poetic book of beautiful stories, but not an authority from God)."

"Literate and drenched in information, people are seeing difficulties and incongruences in saying simply that “the Bible is my authority.” .... How does one find guiding wisdom? With competing proof texts? Which part of the Bible holds the key to interpreting the rest? In addition, church authority continues to dwindle related to a steady stream of revelations about child abuse, financial scandals, and secret maneuverings within organizations. So, can one trust church authority? Where, now, is the authority?" Spectrum
Response: We'll let Scripture answer the confused flock at Spectrum- Whom shall he teach knowledge? and whom shall he make to understand doctrine? For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little: Isaiah 28:9,10

"....four similarities between Taoism and The Great Emergence:
1) a distrust of words,
2) an embracing of the fluidity in life—a natural action without struggle (Wu Wei),
3) recognition of tensions (Yin/Yang), and
4) the motif of walking on a path.
The Great Emergence moves to invalidate what has become an institutionalized orthodoxy readily caricaturized as a sort of afterlife management system with a vending-machine-god narrative that says, in effect:
We have found the truth.
Our god is better than yours.
Seek forgiveness, be saved, then nothing you do will matter.
Believe like we do and you can get what you want.
Otherwise, you will die.
The moral bankruptcy of this narrative has been unmasked. The words have no authority. Many who want to follow Christ are finding another way. Since many Christ followers detect that God has left the building, they have hit the road. This has resulted in a shift from centralized authority. Christians are on individualized paths. Where is the authority? Each one is finding her own. Familiar rules and jingles do not have the cache they once did." SpectrumResponse: In their confusion at Spectrum, as they dabble in Taoism, it appears that the root of their confusion is that their heart isn't satisfied in Truth....or as Paul puts it - always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. 2 Timothy 3:7.---this of course helps to explain Spectrum's mocking of finding and holding to Biblical Truth. So now they search in Taoism.

"One of the people leaving organized religion is Rob Bell, who has become influential for people wanting to pursue something else. ...Bell positions himself away from stilted biblical literalism and aligns his work with using the Bible in a variety of ways, including as a narrative and as poetry; this has some similarities to how people use the Tao De Ching." Spectrum

Response: Here Spectrum not only rallies to Rob Bell, but holds up Tao De Ching...which is a religious writing used in Taoism, Confucianism & Buddhism....THIS SHOULD INDICATE THE SPIRITUAL STATE OF SPECTRUM MAGAZINE....defunct...

"Rejecting dualistic, black/white answers, those in The Great Emergence realize that there are more than two ways and that life is full of grey areas which one will navigate in tension and within a spectrum of choices. I see space for an appreciation for Yin/Yang without explicitly naming it.
A signature feature of the new phase of Christianity,The Great Emergence, is that the triumphant name-it-claim-it-blood-covered belief system must be overshadowed by a system of respect and commitment to a path dedicated to providing a way to flourish for all people without regard to tribe. The Great Emergence is permeated by humility with which one releases certitude and embraces flexibility while maintaining a commitment to proceeding on the journey in love. Such a detachment seems Taoist. "
Response: First, wow!!, what psycho-babble of confused souls-literally....but there you have it in their own words-they don't like the "certitude" of TRUTH...the Luciferian mind has woven a crafty ball of confusion that a so-called Christian would find solace in the shifting sands of  this new "flexibility".
Second, as for "black/white" answers that this Luciferian concocted worldview despises--let Scripture respond-  Ye shall not do after all the things that we do here this day, every man whatsoever is right in his own eyes. Deuteronomy 12:8
The Great EMERGENCE is the Great BLINDING