Sunday, June 24, 2018

SDA Issues - Self Hating Adventists

The following is another EXAMPLE from the mindset of the self HATING Adventist of the progressive Adventism of today.....

"The following quote comes from a video produced by the Florida Hospital Church, which was posted on Facebook on April 20 at 10:30am.
From the people that brought you their own version of Twinkies, bacon, coffee and Boys and Girls Clubs [Scouts] of America comes the latest in Adventist improvement. Introducing the Adventist Book Center’s ‘Ellen.’ It’s more than an Alexa. … This is a satirical video and does not reflect any connection with the Adventist Book Center (ABC).” --
A definition of satire: using sharp humor, sarcasm, and ridicule to point out the foolishness of a person.

The video ridicules Ellen White regarding:
  • a vegan diet
  • keeping the Sabbath holy
  • the belief that holy angels are not in theaters
  • staying on the “straight and narrow FMPM

Have all the workers of iniquity no knowledge?
who eat up my people as they eat bread,
and call not upon the LORD.
Psalm 14:4