Saturday, June 30, 2018

Ridiculing the Sabbath - Nothing New

Ridiculing the Sabbath (4th Commandment) is NOTHING NEW....
--Some "Christians" ridicule it by claiming it was for the Jews....
--Some claim it is the "Old Covenant" (yet they give lip service to obeying the other 9 commandments)...
--The world ridicules the Creative aspect of the Sabbath Commandment by replacing God's 6 day Literal Creation Week (then resting the 7th) with long age chronology of evolution following a supposed "big bang" (although many now hold to MOND, string theory, Brane theory, Multiverse theory or are going back to the Static theory since the mathematics doesn't really support the "Big Bang")...

There is really nothing new under the sun....Apion ridiculed the Sabbath below how he ridiculed it...

"Apion, a Graeco-Egyptian grammarian living in Rome, who said
that after the Exodus from Egypt, “when the Jews travelled a six days’ journey, they had buboes [i.e., an inflammation] in their groin; and that on this account it was that they rested on the seventh day…for that malady of buboes in their groin was named Sabbatosia by the Egyptians. (Against Apion, II/ 3, Whiston)."

RIDICULING THE SABBATH--The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.
Ecclesiastes 1:9

"Apion (Greek: Ἀπίων; 30-20 BC – c. AD 45-48) was a Hellenized Egyptian grammarian, sophist, and commentator on Homer, was born at the Siwa Oasis, and flourished in the first half of the 1st century A.D.
He appears to have enjoyed an extraordinary reputation for his extensive knowledge and his versatility as an orator; but the ancients are unanimous in censuring his ostentatious vanity.
He declared that every one whom he mentioned in his works would be immortalized; he placed himself by the side of the greatest philosophers of ancient Greece, and used to say, that Alexandria ought to be proud of having a man like himself among its citizens."