Saturday, June 2, 2018

Pope Leo X a Fool?

 The fool hath said in his heart,
There is no God.
They are corrupt, they have done abominable works,...
Psalm 14:1

"In a more modern polemic, "The Criminal History of the Papacy" by Tony Bushby, in Nexus Magazine Volume 14, Number 3 (April - May 2007), it is
stated that "The pope's pronouncement (“This myth of Christ has served us well.”) is recorded in the diaries and records of both Pietro Cardinal Bembo (Letters and Comments on Pope Leo X, 1842 reprint)
It is documented by witnesses that this quote came from Giovanni deMedici (Pope Leo X). It is earlier quoted by Cesare Borgia, son of Pope Alexander XI."

So much for that quote being a mistake falsely attributed to Pope Leo X. It is not."
