Saturday, June 2, 2018

Our "Diamond of the First Water"

And there shall ye remember your ways,
 and all your doings,
wherein ye have been defiled;
and ye shall loathe yourselves in your own sight
 for all your evils that ye have committed.
Ezekiel 20:43

"So precious is repentance that we may call it a diamond of the first water, and this is sweetly promised to the people of God as one most sanctifying result of salvation.

A sense of blood-bought pardon and of undeserved mercy is the best means of dissolving a heart of stone.

Are we feeling hard? Let us think of covenant love, and then we shall leave sin, lament sin, and loathe sin; yea, we shall loathe ourselves for sinning against such infinite love.

Let us come to God with this promise of penitence and ask Him to help us
--to remember,
--and repent,
--and regret,
--and re-turn.

Oh, that we could enjoy the meltings of holy sorrow! What a relief would a flood of tears be!

--Lord, smite the rock,
--or speak to the rock,
and cause the waters to flow!"
Charles Spurgeon