Wednesday, June 13, 2018

On the Streets of Babylon: Korean Angel's?

Babylon is fallen, is fallen,...  Come out of her, my people,
Revelation 14:8/18:4

There seems to be some claiming to see "Angel's of Korea" on the Streets of Babylon....

"An angel of Korea appeared to me and said, "Behold, I am strong, and I shall do a mighty work, even in preparing Israel for the return of Jesus."

Korea was never on the map of my heart or mind. Then one day, very randomly, an angel appeared in my room in a physical form. He said "Behold, I am from Korea."
I asked him "From North or South?" and he almost yelled at me "I am from Korea." And I realized there is no North or South Korea in God's heart. He never designed it to be separated. I didn't dare speak again.
"I am strong, and God shall do a mighty work through the intercession nations of the world to reestablish unity between North and South Korea," the angels said. I knew he was saying he was strong because the purpose was ready to be fought for and won.
The final thing that the angel said was "In the unification will come a uniting of hearts and purpose from the Korean people who have been given a boldness to stand with Israel, give their lives as missionaries and have been given the gift of technology, engineering and science. They are going to be used in great significance in the future before the return of Jesus. The children in North Korea are a seedbed of greatness, and they are filled with technologies that don't exist yet in the computer science world."