Tuesday, June 19, 2018

IN the NEWS - PCUSA doesn't get it

Let's analyze the Predicament of the Presbyterian Church USA from BCN....

"As the Presbyterian Church (USA) prepares for its biennial General Assembly in St. Louis beginning Saturday (June 16), many PCUSA leaders are hoping to address several contentious issues during the weeklong meeting — and to bring reform to the dwindling mainline Protestant denomination.

Items before the assembly include divestment from fossil fuels, (WHY are you pandering to the Green Religion?)
a number of resolutions regarding the Middle East, (like what? Israel bashing of the political Left?)
longer parental leave for PCUSA employees (is it necessary?)
and new ways to ordain leaders of immigrant congregations. (What? What's wrong with preaching and teaching them the Gospel like everyone else?)

Cindy Kohlmann of the Presbytery of Boston, who is in the running for co-moderator of the assembly, tweeted there was talk of proposing a resolution calling on the U.S. Department of Justice to stop separating children from their families at the U.S.-Mexico border. (Why not tweet out to largely Christian Catholic influx to render to Caesar that which is Caesar's, in other words obey our immigration laws? Why are you taking your cues from Rachel Maddow at msnbc instead of Scripture?)
All this comes as the denomination — one of the 10 largest Protestant denominations in the U.S., according to Pew’s most recent Religious Landscape Study — continues to lose members.
What I believe we are encountering now is another reformation — a reformation within the 21st-century church to be just that: a 21st-century church,” General Assembly Stated Clerk J. Herbert Nelson II said. (What is wrong with the original Reformation? What is a 21st century Church by your definition because it sounds like you mean a Church that is a social club for the DNC)
The PCUSA lost nearly 68,000 members between 2016 and 2017.
We as a denomination, along with other Protestant mainline denominations, have been losing numbers since probably the 1970s,” he said. “That trend is what we are looking at in attempting to be a turnaround denomination at this point. One of the great challenges, I think, is moving from an institutional culture to a movement culture.” (a "movement culture" is exactly why you have been losing members....you've been moving away from the Word of God!)
Nelson said he knows there are some within the denomination “who struggle with this type of faith approach and view it as aggressive, so I don’t want to paint a rosy picture that there’s no opposition to it.” (you think?)
I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him
that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel:
Galatians 1:6
In this case to another Gospel of Social Justice that stems from bitter, divisive Cultural Marxism