Friday, June 1, 2018

Health Note - Cutting the Grass

                                  I wish above all things that thou in health,..
                                                                          3 John 1:2

"Researchers have discovered that a chemical released by a mown lawn makes people feel happy and
relaxed, and could prevent mental decline in old age.

Students working on the Australian project found that animals exposed to Serenascent – which combines three chemicals released when green leaves are cut – escaped damage to the hippocampus.
Exercise-wise, operating a riding mower isn't much better than watching grass grow.
--But mowing the grass with any type of push mower counts toward the 150 minutes of moderate physical activity (or 75 minutes of vigorous physical activity) you're supposed to accrue each week.  
*A gasoline- or electric-powered mower gives you a moderate workout.
*To maximize the benefits, choose a model without the self-propelled feature.  
*Even better, pick an old-fashioned, manual reel mower.

Cutting the grass helps mow down calories. To estimate how many:
1. Divide your weight in pounds by 2.2.
2. Multiply your step 1 answer by 0.08 (for a power mower).
3. Multiply your step 2 answer by the number of minutes spent mowing.
For example, a 150-pound person pushing a power mower for 15 minutes expends about 82 calories - comparable to briskly walking a mile in the same amount of time. A manual mower burns even more calories, comparable to running."
