Saturday, June 30, 2018

Creation Moment 6/30/2018 - Philosophy of Evolution from GEMS

"Planetary scientists sound like crystal ball gazers. They can peer into crystals of dust, seeing visions the rest of us can’t discern. All we see is a mature system of planets following the laws of nature discovered by two Bible-believing creationists, Kepler and Newton.

Where is this “early solar system” of dust and gas? You can’t see it.
 The NASA-funded astronomers only see bits of comet dust they collected on high-altitude craft. Somebody decided to call them GEMS (“glass with embedded metal and sulfides”). Ah, but it takes
special eyes to be able to look into the GEMS to discern the past, and see into the future. Here comes the futureware, the high perhapsimaybecouldness score, and the promised understanding:
By studying “the starting materials of planet formation from 4.6 billion years ago,” we might gain “a deeper understanding of the processes that formed and have since altered them,” Ishii said in the statement.
Following this research, the team will explore additional comet dust to better understand the composition of GEMS and the size of the sub-grains, according to the statement.
*Note: astronomers see dust disks around other stars, but it takes philosophy to imagine them forming planets. For all they know, the dust is debris from collisions as bodies break up, not build up."
And God made two great lights;
 the greater light to rule the day,
and the lesser light to rule the night:
he made the stars also.
Genesis 1:16