Saturday, June 16, 2018

Creation Moment 6/17/2018 - Using Stefan Boltzmann Theory

Where wast thou when I laid the foundations of the earth?
declare, if thou hast understanding.
Job 38:4
"Naturalistic science holds that the sun has undergone changes in the period since formation, 4.5 Ga. The first claim is that the sun was around 30% dimmer 3.5 to 4 Ga, at a time when life was believed to be arising on Earth.
The Luminosity (L) of a star may be determined using Stefan Boltzmann theory if it is treated as a blackbody emitter,
so that L = 4πR2σT4
(where σ = the Stefan Boltzmann constant,
T is temperature,
and R the radius of the star).
  This lack of heat leads to a problem in that researchers consider that there would have been insufficient irradianceat Earth to allow liquid water to remain stable on the surface: the faint young sun paradox.
 Naturalistic theories about the origin of the sun hold that it would have been spinning at a much faster rate than it is today, at a time
when abiogenesis was believed to be occurring on Earth.

The outcome of this excessive spin is that the strength of the sun’s magnetic field would also have been much stronger. The magnetic field intensity of sunspot regions would have been extremely strong with the possibility of super-strengthextreme ultra-violet light (EUV) and X-ray flares more powerful coronal mass ejections (CMEs) and very high energy particle radiation storms.

Naturalists believe the early earth’s atmosphere (at 3.5 Ga) consisted of 80% N2, 20% CO2 and a small fraction
of CH4. The first life they hold to have been cyanobacteria, organisms that are able to convert the hostile chemistry into free oxygen through photosynthesis. Over the following 3 Ga, naturalists believe that atmospheric oxygen levels rose slowly so that higher organisms could evolve, but much oxygen was reabsorbed into the ocean and land surfaces. These organisms would also have been subject to harmful EUV, X-ray, and neutron radiation on the ocean surface. In the present-day atmosphere stratospheric oxygen and ozone protect against EUV, but this is missing from naturalistic models of the early earth." CMI

--"The Stefan–Boltzmann constant a physical constant denoted by the Greek letter σ (sigma), is the constant of proportionality in
the Stefan–Boltzmann law: "the total intensity radiated over all wavelengths increases as the temperature increases", of a black body which is proportional to the fourth power of the thermodynamic temperature.
The theory of thermal radiation lays down the theory of quantum mechanics, by using physics to relate to molecular, atomic and sub-atomic levels. Slovenian physicist Josef Stefan formulated the constant in 1879, and it was later derived in 1884 by Austrian physicist Ludwig Boltzmann." wiki