Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Toltec Flood / Babel Story

"In the ancient land we now refer to as Mexico, one tribe of Indians, known as the Toltecs, told of a great flood.

In their legend,
--a deluge destroyed the “first world” 1,716 years after it was created.
--Only a few people escaped this worldwide flood,
--and did so in a “toptlipetlocali” (a word that means “closed chest”).
--After these few people exited the closed chest, they wandered about the Earth, and found a place where they built a “zacuali” (a high tower) in case another flood came upon the Earth.
--At the time of the “zacuali,” the Toltecs’ languages were confused and they separated to different parts of the Earth.

--The Toltec legend goes on to say that the Toltec began a family of seven friends and their wives who all spoke the same language.  They crossed great waters (the ocean?) and lived in caves for a time and they wandered about for 104 years until they came to Huc Huc Tlapallan (southern Mexico/Central America) 520 years after the deluge.  "