Saturday, May 19, 2018

SDA Issues - Selmanovic's Pluralistic Poison

Selmanovic, who's an ordained SDA minister, demonstrates the poison of pluralism gripping Christianity today, including creeping into the SDA Church with people like himself. Pluralism is paralyzing Christianity as it has done to the wider culture via Political Correctness.
Below is a few lines from an interview someone had with Selmanovic back in 2010...

"Selmanovic is in the UK this month to take part in an event at the Irish School of Ecumenics, Belfast. Organised by Pete Rollins, the Re-emergence Conference will also feature author Phyllis Tickle and
post-evangelical Dave Tomlinson......Selmanovic sees pluralism as a positive boon for evangelical traditions.......His message is that God is fully present in others. You won't see that until you have dug deeply enough into your own tradition to hit bedrock, which is to say that it's the insecure in their own faith who fear the other. It's a view of pluralism...... Moreover, all traditions have ideas about pluralism within them. Christianity talks of the body being composed of many parts. Islam talks of people being created different so they can compete in offering good deeds to one another......Aren't there plenty of quotes in the Bible that claim exclusivity, I ask – not least when Jesus says he's the way, truth and life? Selmanovic points out that the context of that saying shows that Jesus was not reflecting on how to live in a plural world but was offering comfort to his disciples......"

RESPONSE- When Christ said  I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. (John 14:6) Christ meant that. IF one buys into the Poison of Pluralism, as Selmanovic does, then of course you would have to find a way to dismiss the succinct, clear cut claims of the Christ Selmanovic claims to believe in. Instead Selmanovic paralyzes his Christianity.
Also, when Scripture talks of a body of many parts, it isn't talking about views or deity beliefs. How is Selmanovic this spiritually IGNORANT?....then again this is why he holds the views he does and attempts to weaken the faith of the faithful....